Alexander Ljungqvist, Stockholm School of Economics, Department of Finance Field of interest: Corporate finance, accounting, entrepreneurship Webpage |
Professor Alexander Ljungqvist is co-founder of the Nordic Initiative for Corporate Economics (“NICE”) and the Stefan Persson Family Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics. He has worked in many areas of economics, finance, and accounting directly related to corporate economics and has published widely in top economics, finance, and accounting journals. |
Lars Persson, Research Institute of Industrial Economics, IFN Field of interest: IO Webpage |
Professor Lars Persson is co-founder of the Nordic Initiative for Corporate Economics (“NICE”) and deputy director of the Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN). He has worked in many areas of economics and entrepreneurship directly related to corporate economics and has published widely in top economics and entrepreneurship journals. |
Andreas Moxnes, University of Oslo, Department of Economics Field of interest: Trade Webpage |
Cédric Schneider, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Economics Field of interest: Innovation Webpage |
Dario Pozzoli, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Economics Field of interest: Labor Webpage |
Karin S. Thorburn, Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Finance Field of interest: Corporate finance Webpage |
Morten Sørensen, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Finance Field of interest: Entrepreneurial finance Webpage |
Otto Toivanen, Helsinki Center of Economic Research Field of interest: IO Webpage |
Per Olsson, ESMT Berlin, Center for Financial Reporting and Auditing Field of interest: Accounting Webpage |
Charlotte Østergaard, Norwegian Business School Department of Finance Field of interest: Banking and Corporate finance Webpage |